28 June 2014


had to beg parents like 10 times before they let me go. My dad let me go and then my mom finally changed her mind omg. But yeah only spent 3 hours but i had lots of fun (: Much needed 3 hours with the guys and gals. Rlly happy bc i actually have friends. HAHA


26 June 2014

Idk why my posts are messed up

25 June 2014

I really love yen HAHA such a fun day even though we only walked around the park

23 June 2014

But hi no one has replied to me all day. Probably because everyone is out having fun while I'm stuck in this house doing fucking nothing. I'm so irritated and sad rn. And upset and I dont know anymore.
I'm almost 18. My parents need to stop treating me like I'm fucking 5.

19 June 2014

good thing i decided to talk about it. 

We drove around for 3 hours to find a skating place that was open and in the end all we did was get chipotle HAHA. It's alright though. It was fun driving around and singing and stuff (: YAY SUMMER!