29 October 2014

I think..

one of the best parts of going to Mexico was experience. I never realized that Mexico is completely almost like Vietnam. The people are poor and there are hundreds of homeless people. It's really sad. I probably cried like three times when i was there because i just wanted to give all those people a home. The saddest thing was probably that most of the homeless kids went around and sold items. I was walking around and shopping and i encountered this lady with her son and her son had no legs. It hit me so hard... that i ran back  to my dad to ask for money LOL. And its kinda sad that Mexico has so many gangs and it's dangerous outside, yet all those people have to live outdoors because they're homeless.
This year is going really great so far
Im so much more outgoing that its kinda weird bc i just dont care anymore LAWL

27 October 2014


here are a few bc too lazy to upload EVERYTHING 
Cruise was fun except no wifi. I hung out with andrew for most of it bc no one else to hang out with HAHAHA. But i took rlly nice pictures and i wanna upload all of them to ig ya dont even know :( 

23 October 2014

yesterday was a good day
Free joes
new phone
fisheye and selfie stick came home
100%'s on FRQ & mult choice for psych

selfie stick, fisheye, and friends xD

Fetus yen and catching up :-)

20 October 2014

Hi this isnt much but it made me feel really happy :-)

18 October 2014

16 October 2014

Ryan Nguyen

Hey i didn't know this person but it's really sad to know that one day you can walk past them at school and the next day they are gone. This is the first time. someone has died from my school in my school year. And it's actually really sad :-(

14 October 2014

Do you ever just think about the past and about certain people you were close with and think about what could've been if you guys still talked? BECAUSE IT SUCKS.

13 October 2014

You know i could've done so much better in highschool. Let's be honest, all those C's last year could've been B's if i worked a little harder. Why is life only a one time thing? Why can't i go back and redeem myself? T______T

11 October 2014

First football game ever xD


oops a week late

fashion island is so pretty *heart eyes*