25 February 2015

70 worthy argos

omg. I made it to the top 70?!? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? i really can't help but think that those teachers that nominated me were thinking of the junior tiffany nguyen because how did i even make it wtf. BUT OH WELL I STILL MADE IT OMG. TOP 70 IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME. Odds are the other three tiffanys will make it to top 20 and I won't because let's face it... This is a popularity vote. 

23 February 2015

When a thirsty ass family friend makes u a tinder and ur popular for once on something LOL

21 February 2015

Free Chipotle?!?

Thought they would charge me for the guac but i got everything free SIIIIIICKKK


• got $170 for tet woop
• won lotto twice which is so very rare omg
• but then played cards and lost like $5 dollars LOL 
• i have another party today and more li xis LMAO

16 February 2015

What went down today:
-my parents found out i got a second piercing
-my dad basically said he would disown me if i do something like it again
-im actually not at all worried LOL

15 February 2015

Jen bought 7leaves for me again and surprised me lmao. So bae xD 
I took a pic of my food but idk what happened to it so heres a pic from last wednesday bc late start date w my girls :-)

08 February 2015

first car

So grateful omg. The thing that makes me happy is that my parents asked which car i wanted and they said its my car and it just felt really good to know that its gonna be mine in a few months AHHHHH
Took like 2 hours to deal with them omg they kept trying to add more to the out the door price but we got a good deal. The normal price was 26k but we got it for 24k :-)

06 February 2015

Jen's birthday thing at Bucas which was super awkward because jen was sad and probably did not have a good time. I should have gone sunday gdi but whateversss.

04 February 2015

Amen xD

I am Tiffany Nguyen from Garden Grove, California.
My life began in a small house crowded with nearly 15 people.
Long ago my grandparents were born.
In the year when poverty was increasing and life was nothing from peaceful.
Far away in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam,
Their child Linh Nguyen is my mom and Chanh Nguyen is my dad.
I am Tiffany Nguyen from Garden Grove, California.

When I was little, my mother was optimistic and cheerful.
I remember when she worked as a tailor and everyday she took me to work with her.
My parents would fight occasionally but they always made up for it with something nice later in
the day.
I always bothered my parents unnecessarily, being the little clueless child I was.
My favorite thing to do was play with my toys and eat ice cream all day because that was all I
could do.
Life was carefree and I didn’t have the slightest bit of concern as to what was in store for me.
I am Tiffany Nguyen from Garden Grove, California.

In Junior High School, I felt small and unheard but felt like I was part of a large community.
My friends were unpredictable and I found it hard to trust anyone at all
I loved to be part of large clubs because I could be part of something important and help the
community with what I had.
I began to worry more and more about my future, becoming independent, and having more
I longed for some assurance that I was in good hands, that what life had in store for me was
magnificent and miraculous.
I am Tiffany Nguyen from Garden Grove, California.

Now that I am graduating, I wonder if I am capable of succeeding in life, but I have learned not to
worry so much and to live in the moment.
My family is different because we have all matured and have gotten much closer than ever
My friends that I have made over the years always proved themselves to be great people, and I
learned that through trust, they have become my second family.
My future is bright and hopefully great memories to be made.
Life is a blessing and is complex, but that is what makes it so great.

I am Tiffany Nguyen from Garden Grove, California.
I got really butthurt today in English and almost cried LOL And I think it was mainly because of my period. But when she moved seats, it made me feel really unsocial and unimportant and I just felt like no one wanted to be my friend because I was a boring person. I know... getting all that just from one person moving seats, overthinking too much
but whatevs I stopped caring after a bit and then ann was like just ignore it dude it doesnt even matter and then the rest of the day I was really happy and carefree :)

03 February 2015

Since I'm in a really good mood rn, I'm just gonna tell a story that I forgot to mention to any of my friends LOL

So about 2-3 weeks ago, I was going to the restroom during 3rd period and when I got out of my stall, there was this blonde girl and we said Hi and stuff and then we talked about how long coats and sweaters made it hard to pee and just little talk. And it made my day because I met someone new even though I'll probably never see that girl again and even now I dont remember what she looks like but It makes me happy to think about it because some people are just genuinely nice and friendly. And im happy because I am not antisocial and I did something beyond my comfort zone. GO TIFFANY :-) 
Just dropping these here in case I am ever having self esteem issues lawl
I've been checking my email every two hours each day for a month now and i have finally gotten my first college acceptance email TYBG :')

2nd Semester

its already half the school year, that was fast omg !! 
My schedule changed a bit. My 2nd and 3rd period changed but i dont see why??? Oh well! 
2nd Per: Civics. I sat down next to Jen and then Nick came in and i was aw crap.... Im gonna sit next to this couple all year LOL but whatevs. 
3rd Per: Film. I sit all the way in front right next to Nortons desk LOL. But on the brightside I know a lot of people in the class :-) 
(Oh yeah and Ann moved into my 5th which is the second class ive EVER had with her hahaha yay)

01 February 2015

Surf City Volunteer Event 2k15

$18 meal but so worth it because HIGH QUALITY MEAT