28 July 2016

8/9 hr ride to nha trang omfg. When we got there it was night time so we just ate and explored a bit and then the next morning we went to vinpearl and it was sooooooooo fucking gorgeous. We stayed at a villa but unfortunately because we booked the rooms too late, we only managed to book 1 night :( And the other two nights we stayed at different hotels. BUT YA IT WAS SO FUN, I LOVE SWIMMING AL THE TIME EVEN THO I CANT SWIM LOL.

21 July 2016

Ca Mau, Vietnam

ride to ca mau was horrible, we almost died bc the roads were so ugly LOL. this was the first time i went anywhere in que, there are no toilets there just holes in stalls ... and we had to travel to the brides house by canoe. I was so scared of falling: 1. Because the water was super dirty & 2. I CANT SWIM HAHA. Definitely something i wanted to experience at least once but maybe never again HAH

16 July 2016

hiking n brunch wit ma girls before i leave to vietnam!! 

08 July 2016

@ Senior Civic Center, Newport 

04 July 2016

Worked on 4th of July for dat extra moola since i get time n a half, I stayed overtime and closed too HAHA Matched with 2 of my coworkers, which was expected cuz this seems to be a rlly popular top LOL