Dont want to be all grumpy and stuff on my moms bday. But i asked if i can go to a STUDY SESSION this tuesday at 8am and she said no. Like wtf r u srs. You yelled at me for getting such bad grades and now you wont let me go so i can actually do something about my C?! Like ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS. MY DAD AND HER WERE YELLING AT ME FOR GETTING SO MANY C'S AND THEY EVEN WANTED ME TO GET TUTORED AND NOW MY TEACHER IS OFFERING FREE TUTORING AND THEY YELLED AT ME FOR ALWAYS GETTING EXTRA HELP BC IM DUMB. WHY CANT THEY UNDERSTAND HOW HARD I AM EFFING TRYING TO RAISE MY C IN CALC????????
I took a nap on the car and then when we got home i walked into their room and said "YOU WANTED ME TO GET TUTORED AND NOW YOU WONT LET ME GO TO A FREE TUTORING SESSION. R U SRS" and then i said im going to sleep and walked out of their room.
I couldve said so much more... not even kidding.