Is it fair that females still get married off at the age of 13? Is it fair that as a human, females' lives are chosen for them? How come each and every one of us can't have equal opportunities at leading out own life in the way we want without being afraid of judgement from others? How scary is society that people kill themselves due to gossip? Why should society have the ability to make someone look at themselves so lowly? When will this issue ever go away, if no one is willing to even discuss it? Women, who are always expected to have "ambition but not too much ambition" because they are to give birth to children and to live under their husbands. Men, who are always expected to be strong and masculine because otherwise they are seen as unmanly. Feminism is and always will be a problem for both men and women. It will always limit every being from being their true selves. Because people are too afraid to speak of something that will cause divisions within our nation. When will sexism ever end?
"If not me, who? If not now, when?" - Emma Watson
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